Tuesday 1 March 2022

Debunking Top 3 Most Common Myths of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Treatment

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

You've tried everything: exercises, pain medications, massages, and meditation. Your back discomfort, on the other hand, refuses to go away. You're starting to wonder if spine surgery is the best option. The decision to have spine surgery can be challenging.

Before you lose hope, learn the truth about these 3 spine surgery myths.

MYTH #1: Surgery Is Always Recommended By A Spine Specialist:

In Mississippi, surgery isn't for everyone, and your doctor understands that. When you visit a spine expert in Mississippi, they may suggest surgery as a treatment option. Physical therapy and acupuncture are also available for people.

Many spine disorders in Flowood can be treated in a variety of methods, but the goal should always be to find the least invasive option possible, whether that means nonsurgical or surgical treatment. It's critical that patients receive tailored care in a collaborative setting in Mississippi so that they can make the best decision possible.

MYTH #2: Spine Procedures Are All Significant Operations:

Several spinal operations in Mississippi are minimally invasive, which means the surgeon only makes a few small incisions rather than a huge one. These procedures are generally speedier in Flowood and need less recuperation time than major surgeries. If you have one of these below-mentioned problems, minimally invasive spine surgery may be an option for you in Mississippi:

·         Disc herniation,

·         Stability of the spine,

·         Tumors of the spine,

·         Infections of the spine,

·         Stenosis of the lumbar spine,

·         Scoliosis and other spinal abnormalities,

·         Compression fractures of the vertebrae,

·         Degenerative disc disease.

MYTH #3: Back Surgery Recovery Is Always Excruciatingly Painful:

It's typical to experience pain following surgery in the Mississippi clinic, especially if it was a big treatment. In general, the first one to three days following surgery is the most painful. After then, it should start to go away. You may experience mild to moderate discomfort for up to six weeks after surgery, but no severe pain is expected.

Pain that is accompanied by fevers, chills, numbness, tingling feelings, or a lack of bladder or bowel control is not one of them. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, or if you're experiencing severe pain that won't go away, seek medical help right once.

Make an appointment with a doctor at Jackson Neurology Clinic to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. They can assist you in determining whether spine surgery is the best treatment option for your back discomfort, at: https://jacksonneurosurgery.com/.

Thursday 6 January 2022

5 Nonsurgical Treatments for Chronic Back Pain

Back pain that lasts three months or more is called chronic. You can experience it occasionally or there can be a pattern, providing short respite before giving way to frustration.

chronic back pain

Here are 5 nonsurgical treatments for chronic back pain:

Physical Therapy

Exercise is at the heart of chronic back pain treatment. It's one of the first therapies you should explore under the supervision of your physician and a spine physical therapist. However, not everyone responds to the same set of activities. Your symptoms and condition are tailored by a physical therapist. Maintaining a home workout program is also crucial to success. Your therapist will use a variety of therapy methods, including posture retraining, pain tolerance testing, stretching and flexibility exercises, aerobic activities, and core strengthening

Pharmacologic Treatments

Chronic back pain can be managed with anti-inflammatory medicines, muscle relaxants, analgesics, and other treatments. However, the majority of them have unpleasant side effects and are not meant for long-term usage.

Alternative Treatments

Nonsurgical spine treatments such as biofeedback therapy, electrical nerve stimulation, laser therapy, acupuncture, massage, and other nonsurgical spine treatments can help with persistent back pain.

Injection-based Treatments

Chronic back pain can be treated using nerve blocks, epidural steroid injections, nerve ablations, and other injection-based techniques. They're utilized when the source of the pain is understood, and if the treatment doesn't work, they can occasionally help rule out particular causes. Injections may temporarily relieve or eliminate pain, but they are not meant to be long-term remedies and should not be used alone.

Lifestyle Modifications

Make a list of the things that cause you back pain and attempt to avoid them as much as possible. This may help your back feel better while also preventing the underlying illness from deteriorating. Another important lifestyle change to make is quitting smoking. Nicotine has been proven to enhance pain and delay recovery in trials.

If you want a temporary solution for your back pain, Jackson Neurosurgery Clinic is the place for you. Book an appointment today, call us on https://jacksonneurosurgery.com/ or call us on 601-366-1011.

Wednesday 8 December 2021

The Seven Types of Neck Pain

The anatomy of the neck can be very complex as it supports the head and joints the lower body with it. There are many associative nerves and muscles are involved in facilitating communication among the brain and body through the neck. So when you struggle with neck pain, it can result in associative pain too. But you have to understand which type of neck pain you are experiencing in order to alleviate it.

neck pain

Different kinds of neck pain

1.      Muscle cramps or spasms

When you experience a sudden tightening around your neck muscles, it’s referred to as muscle cramps or spasms. The pain is spontaneous and causes painful muscle contraction, so you are unable to move your head. Although there is no clear conception regarding muscle spasms cause, it can be due to muscle, spinal disc, or nerve issues.

2.      Muscle pain

If you have any tender spots in your neck areas that are causing aching in the neck, it can be the result of muscle pain. This can be due to untreated emotional or physical stress. Furthermore, the pain can be the result of muscle strains, sprains, and tears in the layers of connective tissues.

3.      Migraine or headaches

In some instances, your headaches can be caused due to neck pain. Generally, when you experience headaches associated with neck pain, it occurs between the back of your head and the upper area of your neck.

4.      Apophyseal joint pain

Apophyseal joints are part of the vertebrae of the neck. When you experience pain in these areas, it is quite intense, sharp, and aching. Any injury or arthritic degradation to the joint areas can cause such pain.

5.      Neuropathic Pain

Nerve-related pain caused due to the neck can be sharp, fleeting, and severe. You can experience nerve irritation or pinching sensation in the spine. Based on which nerve is related to the pain, the aching can travel downwards or your shoulder.

6.      Referred Pain

Referred pain is identified as the kind of pain that occurs in one part of the body but is triggered by another part of the body. Although they might seem not related, you can experience neck pain due to heart, esophagus, etc.

7.      Osteodynia

Pain in the bones can be caused due to injuries or diseased conditions in the soft tissues of cervical vertebrae. In bone pains, you will require immediate medical attention as it might lead to a more serious health condition.

No matter what is causing your neck pain, it’s wise to seek professional help to cure it and refrain from turning it into a chronic condition. You can contact a well-established facility like Jackson Neurosurgery Clinic to help you recover from any kind of neck pain.

Monday 16 August 2021

Trigeminal Neuralgia - Symptoms & Causes

Trigeminal neuralgia, also known as tic douloureux, is frequently said to as the most agonizing pain known to mankind. The discomfort usually affects the lower cheek and jaw, but it can also affect the area around the nose and above the eye.

Face Pain – Trigeminal Neuralgia

It is often confined to one side of the face. The discomfort can be caused by anything as simple and insignificant as brushing your teeth, eating, or being outside in the wind. Trigeminal neuralgia attacks may begin mild and brief, but if left untreated, they can develop over time.

Who Can Suffer from This?

Every year, around 150,000 people are diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia (TN). While the condition can arise at any age, persons over the age of 50 are more likely to suffer from it. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), TN is twice as frequent in women as in males.

Causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia:

The actual cause of TN is unknown, however, the discomfort associated with it is caused by nerve irritation.

There are two kinds of TN: main TN and secondary TN.

Compression of the nerve, often at the base of the skull where the brain joins the spinal cord, has been associated with primary trigeminal neuralgia. This is generally caused by a healthy artery or vein coming into touch with the trigeminal nerve at the base of the brain. This puts pressure on the nerve when it reaches the brain, causing it to misfire.

Secondary TN is induced by nerve pressure produced by a tumor, MS, a cyst, a face injury, or another medical disease that destroys the myelin sheaths.

Symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia:

The majority of patients say that their pain comes suddenly and apparently out of nowhere. Other individuals claim that their pain was caused by a vehicle accident, a hit to the face, or dental procedures.

In the case of dental procedures, it is more likely that the condition was already present and that the initial symptoms were prompted by the disease. Because pain is frequently felt throughout the upper or lower jaw, many patients mistakenly believe they have a tooth abscess.

The pain around the eyes, lips, nose, jaw, forehead, and scalp is very acute, throbbing, intermittent, scorching, or shock-like.

TN seems to come and go in cycles. Patients sometimes experience extended periods of frequent episodes followed by weeks, months, or even years of little or no pain.

If you are suffering from such pain and want to get treated fast, connect with the experts in the field at Jackson Neurosurgery Clinic.

Original Source: Trigeminal Neuralgia – Symptoms & Causes

Monday 28 June 2021

Cervical Spinal Stenosis - What You Need to Know


You must know that cervical stenosis is a condition that could potentially cause damage to your spinal cord. In this condition, the spinal canal becomes narrowed at the neck part, which may result in putting extra pressure on the neck nerve. This condition may result in severe pain in the neck and spinal cord area. It is also popularly known as Cervical Spinal Stenosis worldwide. This condition may mainly affect your normal life, causing an uncomfortable sensation in the different parts of the body like arms, legs, and torso. 

What are the causes of Cervical Spinal Stenosis?

There are many causes of Cervical Spinal Stenosis condition like arthritis, Osteoarthritis, herniated discs, traumatic injuries, tumors, and chronic diseases. All these problems may put extra pressure on your spinal cord and nerves, causing great pain in the neck area. But the cervical spinal problem could be resolved by effective treatment. You could also choose some of the pain management options to fully live your life as normal. 

But you must know some of the symptoms of Cervical Stenosis that could help you to understand the condition. Some of the symptoms are neck pain, weakness in the arm or hands, advanced cases that may result in loss of bowel control or bladder, arm pain, numbness in the arm area, and tingling sensation in the lower back area. 

Treatment-related to Cervical Spinal Stenosis

Based on the seriousness of the condition, the treatment and medication are offered by the medical professional. The medical professional first check with the symptoms and condition in order to determine the cause, and then they offer the right medication and treatment to resolve the problem. Some of the problems associated with the treatment of Cervical Stenosis are strength and flexibility exercise, steroid injection, anti-inflammatory medication, physiotherapy, acupuncture, and minimally invasive decompression surgery. 

If you are facing any critical symptoms of Cervical Spinal Stenosis, you may visit Jackson Neurosurgery Clinic as it is the best option to choose. It is a reliable and reputed clinic that includes highly professional and qualified medical experts who are experienced, physical neurosurgeons. 


Monday 31 May 2021

Sacroiliac Joint Degeneration-Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Excruciating back pains can be annoying and difficult to handle. We at Jackson Neurosurgery Clinic recommend the treatment for sacroiliac joint pain for a quick and timely recovery.

What is sacroiliac joint degeneration?

Sacroiliac joints are located at the integration of sacrum and ilium, and the SI joints acts as a shock absorbent by reducing pressure on the spine. If there is inflammation in one or both of your sacroiliac joints, the condition is termed sacroiliac joint degeneration.

What are the symptoms of sacroiliac joint degeneration?

  • Lower back pain that can be felt either on one or both sides
  • Pain in the buttocks and side or upper thigh
  • Stiffness in the hips, pelvis, groin, and lower back that restrict mobility
  • Sciatic-like pain in the back of the thighs or buttocks that is hot and sharp and results in numbness
  • Instability in the lower back and/or pelvis makes the pelvis give away while walking, standing, or changing positions
  • Shooting pain when climbing stairs, jogging, or running because sacroiliac joints are under pressure in such activities

What are the causes of sacroiliac joint degeneration?

  • Gait tissues:Leg-length discrepancy can put unnecessary pressure on the pelvis resulting in wear and tear of the SI joint.
  • Pregnancy: Relaxin (a hormone released during pregnancy) results in the elasticity of SI joints. Due to this, the pelvis widens to make room for childbirth, and accompanied by the increasing weight of the woman, the chances of SI joint pain increase.
  • Osteoarthritis: Aging can result in loss of cartilage and result in SI joint degeneration.
  • Gout: Gouty arthritis occurs if the levels of uric acid in your body are high.This problem affects the large toe first and further shows its effects on other joints, including the SI joint.
  • Abnormal walking pattern:If the walking posture is incorrect, you can be a victim of SI joint pain.

What is the line of treatment for sacroiliac joint degeneration?

  • Self-care and therapies: Yoga, massage, cold/hot packs, physical therapy, and sacroiliac belt are the comfortable ways to ease the problem.
  • Medications: Oral steroids, anti-inflammatory medicines, corticosteroid injection,radio frequency ablation,muscle relaxants and TNF inhibitors are the non-surgical treatment options
  • Surgery: If the pain is chronic, the doctor advises sacroiliac joint fusion surgery for easing the pain.

Visit us at Jackson Neurosurgery Clinic when any kind of back pain troubles you.

Saturday 1 May 2021

How to Treat Lumbar Spinal Stenosis with a Coflex® Device?

The lower back spine is called the lumbar spine, consisting of five vertebrae between the ribs and the pelvis. Lumbar spinal stenosis is an ill spinal condition in which the gap between the spinal canals gets narrowed and, in the process, compresses the nerves traveling through the lower back into the legs.

This narrowing usually takes place at a slow and gradual pace spanning many years as a person ages. The spinal disks become less spongy, making them harden and bulging into the spinal canal resulting in narrowing of the central canal. The Coflex device is known to alleviate compression as it is made of titanium, making it strong yet flexible and supporting the spine. Let’s understand the diagnosis procedure to know how the device works.


The patient might feel pain, weakness, and numbness in the legs, calves, and buttocks. In lumbar spinal stenosis, the pain might radiate to both thighs and legs. It might result in defective motor function of the legs, bowel, and bladder.


The diagnosis is made by neurosurgeon through X-ray, CT scan or CAT scan, MRI, and Myelogram. It helps in showing the bone structure, spine alignment, and joints’ outline; show images of the spinal cord, nerve roots, and surrounding areas; and show evidence of pressure near the nerves and spinal cord, respectively.

Nonsurgical treatment

In some cases, proper medication, posture management, and exercise can prove helpful in managing the pain and strengthening bone. Analgesics and epidural medication can relieve pain and reduce swelling significantly in lumbar spinal stenosis. Physical therapy can build endurance, stabilize and protect the spine.

Surgical treatment

The primary goal of lumbar spinal stenosis surgery is to detract bone or neural elements affecting the nerves that are trying to extend throughout your body. Although there are various types of surgeries available for the lumbar spine, the most common one is decompressive laminectomy. In this procedure, the laminae of the vertebrae are extracted to create more space for the nerves.

After a direct decompression to remove bone, facet, ligament, or disc segments from the narrow spinal canal, the spine can get unstable. At this point, a Coflex device is inserted directly in a similar manner about how the decompression procedure is performed to keep the spine stable to maintain the height and motion of the spine.

The device replaces the spinal fusion to retain the natural movement in the impacted area of the posterior lumbar spine. It’s a U-shaped implant, which comes in five different sizes and can be designed according to various anatomies.

The Coflex device is implanted to provide extra space for the nerves to pass through without compressed vertebrae. Reach out to Jackson Neurosurgery Clinic to know more about their treatment techniques.

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Cervical Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery - An Overview

You must know that a healthy spinal disc has the potential to provide a cushion and a joint between your adjacent vertebrae. If in case you are suffering from the pain and discomfort that is caused by the compression, then you must visit a surgeon. The professional surgeon will perform an artificial disc replacement procedure to replace the collapsed or herniated disc with an artificial disc. The joint's replacement and modification with a counterfeit circle is named cervical plate arthroplasty or cervical fake circle replacement. 

Before the artificial disc replacement procedure, you must notify your specialist about any drugs you are taking, including nutrients and enhancements. You must provide the details about your health condition so that they can offer you the best treatment and avoid any negative side-effects. 

Why is artificial disc replacement important?

There are many beneficial reasons due to which artificial disc replacement might be required. You must always choose the right professional surgeon for the surgery if you have any cervical disc disease symptoms. This procedure can provide you with much needed comfort. There are a few very good reasons to go for artificial disc surgery like as mentioned below:-

  1. It aims to provide pain relief for persistent pain in the disc area.
  2. It could also help to restore the disc height for better results.
  3. With this procedure you could alleviate pressure on the nerves
  4. It could be the best process to preserve normal physiologic motion in the neck.

The points that are mentioned above are the main reasons to choose disc replacement surgery for effective treatment. 

Want to know more about the artificial disc replacement procedure? Then Jackson Neurosurgery Clinic could be the best option to choose. We will offer you detailed information about the disc replacement procedure so that you can have a better understanding.  

Tuesday 9 March 2021

Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery - An Overview

Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release is a surgical technique that utilizes thin and specialized equipment with an attached camera which is guided via a minor incision in the wrist. It assists the doctor to view the entire wrist structure without clearing the whole area or large incision. The endoscopic surgery utilizes tiny cutting tools which are injected through the minor incision in the writ or through the wrist & palm. In this process, the transverse carpal tunnel is trimmed to form more space for the median nerve. It passes via a tunnel which improves the function and reduces the pain.  

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: 

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition that induces tingling, numbness, or deficiency in the hands. It is also known as median nerve compression. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when the median nerve is pressurized, which drives the arm's length, runs through the path in the wrist, and ends in the hand, known as the carpal tunnel. The median is responsible for controlling the feeling & movement of the thumb and fingers except for the pinky finger. 

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment:  

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can lessen the smooth functioning of your wrist and hands. It can turn worse if not treated timely.  In such conditions, endoscopic carpal tunnel release surgery brings relief with added advantages. 

  • It relieves tingling sensation, numbness, and nerve pain. It also restores the strength of muscles. 

  • The pain will be less to a greater extent after surgery in comparison to open surgery. 

  • The small incision will make the recovery fast.  

  • It is suitable and comfortable for one who relies on a wheelchair, walker or has undergone surgeries for both wrists. 

The Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment will take the numbness and pain of hands away right after treatment or it may also take several months. So accordingly, one needs to avoid doing such hard tasks. Previously the surgery, you will be diagnosed for examining the condition. You will have to stop any food consumption for at least 6-12 hours before the surgery. A tiny camera device will be used to reveal the structure of your wrist through the monitor. Next, the transverse carpal tunnel will be trimmed from the underside and the skin will be closed with staples. Finally, your wrist will be bandaged after surgery for around 2 weeks. You will be trained for moving fingers. Physical therapy will be planned for better recovery and comfort.

We always welcome you to knock at Jackson Neurosurgery Clinic at any point in your lifetime to get the best and quality services.

Thursday 4 February 2021

The Benefits of Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion

 Fusion surgery is typically considered to be a beneficial solution to dealing with bone spurs, herniated   discs or pinched nerves.

·        It helps reduce the instability and movement caused by bulging discs or deteriorating cartilage.

·      The goal of the anterior fusion procedure is to get rid of excessive motion and offer spinal stability by eliminating damaged discs and substituting them with a new bone graft.

·         Here are more details on why you should probably talk to your doctor about this particular procedure.

 Natural process

·        Successful Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion surgery often results in connecting two or more vertebrae to help promote strength and stability in the damaged spine area.

·        While all the required preparatory work is finished during surgery, the vertebrae fusion is left to happen as a natural process, after surgery.

·     This is what makes the procedure a successful one. A good recovery that brings about a successful fusion will offer great stability for your spine for several years.

Offers better access for the surgeon

·    The choice of how to handle the spine is made by the surgeon after examining the compressive   pathology location.

·      Depending on where the actual problem area is and how your cervical region is aligned, the surgeon   will choose whether the surgery would be successful if approached posteriorly or anteriorly.

Quick recovery

·     If your spinal injury is attended to prior to the point of irreparable damage, you can heal quickly and experience a considerable degree of pain relief.

·       You can leave the spine clinicthe next day.

Significant relief from pain and symptoms

·     Osteoarthritis and cervical herniated discs are some of the more typical causes of acute arm and neck pain.

·       A successful Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion surgery can help correct the root cause and offer relief from the pain associated along with other symptoms. 

The spine surgeon at Jackson Neurosurgery Clinic is backed by years of training and experience to deal with complex cases. You can book a consultation with Dr. Adam Lewis to weigh the risks and benefits and decide if ACDF surgery is a fitting option for you.

To know more, visit us online to learn more about anterior cervical discectomy and fusion and other methods of minimally invasive spine surgery or to schedule a consultation. We’ll find a solution that works for you! Call us at (601) 366-1011.


Debunking Top 3 Most Common Myths of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Treatment

You've tried everything: exercises, pain medications, massages, and meditation. Your back discomfort, on the other hand, refuses to go a...