Wednesday 16 December 2020

The Universal Guide to Neck Pain

One of the most common causes of neck pain is injury to the soft tissues, which include the muscles, tendons, and ligaments present in this general area. While it may be normal to feel some neck pain at the end of a working day, there may be certain instances when the pain in the neck occurs continuously or is characterized by a tingling sensation.

Modern-day lifestyles and common activities are not kind to the wellbeing of the neck. Sitting behind a desk all day, on a chair that may not be ergonomically designed, or peering at a computer monitor for hours at a time may be causing your neck pain. Sleeping with a pillow that does not support the neck muscles properly, sleeping on your stomach thus putting the neck in a twisted position through the night, reading or watching TV while lying down all put the head and the neck in an awkward position that can cause muscle strain.

Already dealing with neck pain?

While there are many options for relieving neck pain, there is currently no treatment that has been scientifically proven to cure chronic neck pain. Even common treatments have conflicting evidence around their effectiveness at eliminating pain and increasing neck function.

Sometimes, people must learn to manage their pain on a daily basis through lifestyle changes and self-management.

Here are a few strategies to help reduce chronic neck pain and improve your quality of life:

  • Stay active every day: stretch and walk and do light exercises that don’t make your pain worse
  • Pace yourself: don’t feel like you have to ‘do it all’. Allow time to rest throughout the day each day.
  • Advocate for yourself: learn how to communicate how you’re feeling with your care providers and friends and family. Set limits on what you can and cannot do and allow people in your life to support you.
  • Get plenty of sleep: being well-rested can help you cope better with your pain.

If you recently had any trauma that has resulted in neck pain and is accompanied by other symptoms such as weakness or numbness, contact Dr. Lewis at Jackson Neurosurgery Clinic. We can conduct a quick and thorough assessment to ensure you receive the appropriate care and treatment immediately.

Contact us today to learn more about neck pain or to schedule a consultation with one of our specialists. We’ll find a solution that works for you! Call us at (601) 366-1011.

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